Leaving the familiar behind: how migration changed my life.

 Have you ever wondered about the challenges of migration?

Welcome to my blog!! my name is Nathalia and this is my first blog, as I am not very good at writing there will be blogs that are not very constant. The issue of migration is a very important topic and it has increased a lot nowadays and that is why I am writing this blog, besides the fact that I lived it myself and it had a big impact on my life and my family's life.

What is migration?

Migration is the displacement of a group or population of human beings, from one place to another, with the objective of settling in a new country or region on a temporary or permanent
basis. . Migration can be voluntary or forced, and can be caused by armed conflict, natural disasters, persecution, discrimination, poverty, among others. 
Also Migration is a complex issue that affects millions of people around the world and has significant implications for countries of origin, transit and destination.

When I was a child, around 7 years old, my family and I migrated from the countryside, where my family grew up, to Quito. The move was a significant change for us and affected the whole family. I recently sat down with my grandmother, and she told me all about what my family had to go through and how difficult life was in the city.  He told me that the move was a challenge for all of us, but that it was necessary for the future of our family. In the countryside there was no longer much crop production, our economic expenses were increasing and our economic situation was getting worse and worse.

Migration was a very significant change for us. We had to leave behind our home, our friends, our traditions and our way of life. We moved to a new place where everything was different. The city was crowded, noisy and fast-paced. It was in stark contrast to the quiet and peaceful life we had in the countryside.
The move affected my life in many ways. I had to adapt to a new school, make new friends and learn to cope in a new city. It was a difficult time for me, but I learned a lot from the experience. I learned to be adaptable, resilient and open. I also learned that change can be difficult, but it can also be an opportunity to grow.
For my family at first it was very difficult to get used to it and find ways to get by, but little by little we got better and better, to the point that today our economic situation is better and better, to the point that today our economic situation is almost better, we live in our own house, we study in a good school and we are able to live our best life.

If you’re going through a similar situation, here are some pieces of advice that might help:

Be patient: Moving to a new place can be overwhelming, and it takes time to adjust. Be patient with yourself and give yourself time to adapt to your new surroundings.

Be open-minded: Embrace the new experiences and opportunities that come with the move. Try new things, meet new people, and explore your new city.

Stay connected: Keep in touch with your family and friends from your old home. They can provide you with support and comfort during this transition.

Seek help: If you’re struggling to adjust, don’t be afraid to seek help. Talk to a counselor, a teacher, or a friend. They can provide you with guidance and support.

Stay positive: Remember that change can be difficult, but it can also be an opportunity for growth. Stay positive and focus on the opportunities that come with the move.

In conclusion, moving from a rural area to the city can be a significant change, and it can affect the whole family. However, with patience, an open mind, and a positive attitude, you can adapt to your new surroundings and thrive in your new home. Remember that change can be difficult, but it can also be an opportunity for growth. Good luck!

Nathalia Bueno


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